04 January, 2025

Bourbon Street Blues

I'm sitting in my La-Z-Boy recliner trying to come to terms with The Bourbon Street terrorist attack on New Year's morning.

I'm pretty fucking pissed and sad for the loss of life and those injured. I'm ducking passed at how this could happen in 5he first place; I keep asking myself, WHY???

I'm angry at it happened on New Year's morning- a date on which we nornally embrace a new beginning, a fresh start. 

I'm sad at the loss of life, and the countless number of people injured.
Countless memorials have popped up on Bourbon and Canal in memory of the 14 souls lost. The whole city was grieving, hell, even the whole world!   

I'm pretty fucking pissed that someone seriously fucked up on security in the area, especially with the bollards. Leaving an open area for pedestrian access was a fatal mistake because it left an open road that didn't stop that asshole with the rented truck from killing and maiming innocent pedestrians who were celebrating that fresh start.  When the police chief said that the terrorist was hell-bent on causing mayhem, she wasn't whistling "Dixie." 

When I woke up on New Year's morning and got the news, I was shaken to the core. It's as if our sacred space was violated.  Our very sense of security was brought into question.  Our very safety was jeopardized, either directly or indirectly.  I had a hell of a time trying to sleep the following night. 

It's almost like Hurricane Katrina happened again to many.  Only this time, the whirlwind manner of destruction was more compacted. 

Was there incompetence surrounding this? FUCK YEAH!  All around:

1. What IDIOT would start a bollard replacement during the Autumn season, when thousands would be in town for football games, Taylor Swift, the Sugar Bowl, etc.? I know they're trying to get this shit done before the Super Bowl and Mardi Gras, but these improvements should have been done so that the defenses would be IN PLACE to at least reduce the risks!
2. What IDIOT would ignore an analysis of security vulnerabilities in the French Quarter and not harden the security defenses there?  I smell incompetence up the ying-yang and serious fuck-ups all over the place!.
3. Where was the Intel that could've prevented this heinous act? If the Intel community and law enforcement at all levels would pay more attention to the risks and vulnerabilities, could this jackass have been stopped from causing this mayhem?  We may never know unless there is a full 9/11-style probe.

I'm not surprised that some of the victims have filed suit against the City of New Orleans. I'd add some State and Federal agencies as defendants.  I just wonder,  how bad does it get?  It's too bad that the plaintiffs  may never potentially see any money from the City. A fucking shame!!!

16 April, 2024

Too much Dumbfuckery!

There is so much bullshit going on in the world these days.
Everything from roadblocks on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco to a brawl on the floor of the Georgian Parliament. CAN WE PLEASE CUT OUT THE DUMBFUCKERY FOR ONCE?  Nothing that y'all do makes any fucking sense!
Aliens from another world are probably looking at us and saying to themselves, "What fucking assholes!"

04 December, 2023


Even though the Holidays are upon us once again, humanity is still fucked.
Here's why:
Too many people coming into  the country illegally.
Commercialism out the ying-yang.
People behaving like a total bunch of fucking assholes,
Political correctness.
Nearly NO freedom of speech.

Need I go on??????!!!!


21 August, 2023


The whole world continues to be fucked up.- here's how;
1.Our President is STILL a dickhead.
2. His son is officially an asshole.
3. Parts of Hawaii got burnt because if wokeness.
4. The left is still stupid.
5. I wonder what the fuck an alien would think of all this.
6. The economy is still fucked up.
7. The heat of Summer is a bitch to deal with...
8. I wish things would be much simpler than they are now.
9. I don't have enough middle fingers for all the bullshit going on out there.
11. I wish the world would quit pissing me off!!
SO, what else is new?

27 March, 2023


Correction to my last post: the WHOLE DAMN WORLD IS TOTALLY FUCKED UP!
Here's what's going on as I write this:
1.Just heard about the school shooting in Nashville, TN, USA. Why??!!
2. War in Ukraine is pure hell. 
3. Russia's Putin is acting like a dumb-ass.
4. Iran almost has nukes.
5. Corruption abounds in many governments.
6. Liberals are still cancelling out culture
7. And we STILL have an Asshole-in-chief running things in America!

Someone get me a tanker full of PiƱa Coladas, pronto. 

09 February, 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen, the entire world is SLIGHTLY fucked up!

 Well, almost 2 years into COVID, and the world is more fucked up than ever.  Russia's possibly on the verge of invading Ukraine,  Joe Biden has been in office a little over 1 year as US President (and I sure as hell can't stand Jen Psaki, that snarky little shit!),  prices of a lot of things are going up (not to mention, some items have had shortages), and I'm still working from home  (thanks Delta and Omicron!) 

Since my previous post, mom and I are fully vaccinated and boosted with Pfizer's COVID vaccine, and the government was giving out 4 free tests per household, just in case.  

Had to have a deep cleaning of my teeth by my dentist (not something that would qualify as fun, but when ya gotta, ya gotta...).  

There is hope on the horizon for Mardi Gras 2022 to make a big comeback after 1 year of no parades and shit.  Also, sometime in March, the Big Book Sale gets going again at Pontchartrain Center in Kenner (I get a lot of computer books and stuff there).  

Now there was a snarky, little bitch named Hurricane Ida who fucked up much of Southeast Louisiana, and she made her wrath known on the anniversary of another snarky, little bitch named Katrina, of all days!  No power for about a month, no landline for 2 to 3 months, and Grand Isle, LA got really fucked up.  Boy, I was PISSED!

 With all the shit hitting the fan, I wonder if ANYONE could maintain their sanity in all this.  It's been a struggle, but I'm still here, though at times, things can get depressing...

On the bright side, at least am learning how to use Ubuntu on one of my old laptops, just in case I need to use it for work or whatever.  We've even had relatives over for chow, with no problems. Christmas wasn't bad either- got a few good things.  

Until next post....

01 April, 2021


Hard to believe but it's been a year since COVID fucked up everything in our lives.
Remote working, social distancing, wearing masks, washing your hands and all that can make a geek go nuts, especially when you can't get out of the house much, except to go to the doctor, and brief outings to get your haircut and a Starbucks or getting cash at the bank.  When they FINALLY got the vaccine out to the public, there was hope. Got my first one (Pfizer)  a couple of weeks prior to writing this post, and awaiting the 2nd one a week after Easter- ironic, ain't it, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ one day, and resurrecting a sense of normalcy a few days later!  

Saltgrass Steakhouse, y'all better save me a New York Strip, baked potato,  and a slice of that carrot cake, because when this shit blows over, it's PARTY TIME!!!

23 December, 2016

Holiday Thoughts

In this time where two faiths are celebrating miracles, I am reminded that all the commercialism in the world can't compare to the birth of Jesus at Christmas, or to the oil in a  Jewish temple menorah lasting for 8 days after it was desecrated and subsequently restored by Judda Maccabee and company to commemorate Chanukah.
Think about it- if everyone who reads this posting would stop and take the time to take stock of what really matters in our lives during the holidays, perhaps the world can become a better place. The holidays should be a time for togetherness and celebrating miracles, not making a fast Dollar. Save the commercialism for another day, and cherish the love of family and friends as we gather together to create celebrate the wonders around us all.

Two religious parallels, two miracles. Better than a money grab, if you ask me!

07 March, 2015

Gallbladder gone bye-bye!

Coming up, it's been 6 months since my gallbladder went bye-bye (September 11, 2014). Haven't felt better. Thanks to the folks at Ochsner Health System, things went without a hitch (in fact, I even drank a cup of coffee in the recovery area the same morning!)

05 November, 2011

The Big Game Times 2

Listening to the LSU-Alabama college football game- it's one hell of a hard-fought contest, regardless of who comes out on top after the game. Tomorrow (as of the date of this posting, anyway), the Saints go against the Buccaneers (or should I say "SUCK-aneers?" ;-) ) Again, both contests are sure to have been pretty interesting, regardless of whom you're rooting for, regardless of your thoughts. Both contests are like epic battles between the Axis and the Allies in World War II, in a sense, because each side says they're better, but in the end, someone's gonna get their ass whipped. Talk about history repeating itself!!