23 December, 2016

Holiday Thoughts

In this time where two faiths are celebrating miracles, I am reminded that all the commercialism in the world can't compare to the birth of Jesus at Christmas, or to the oil in a  Jewish temple menorah lasting for 8 days after it was desecrated and subsequently restored by Judda Maccabee and company to commemorate Chanukah.
Think about it- if everyone who reads this posting would stop and take the time to take stock of what really matters in our lives during the holidays, perhaps the world can become a better place. The holidays should be a time for togetherness and celebrating miracles, not making a fast Dollar. Save the commercialism for another day, and cherish the love of family and friends as we gather together to create celebrate the wonders around us all.

Two religious parallels, two miracles. Better than a money grab, if you ask me!