01 April, 2021


Hard to believe but it's been a year since COVID fucked up everything in our lives.
Remote working, social distancing, wearing masks, washing your hands and all that can make a geek go nuts, especially when you can't get out of the house much, except to go to the doctor, and brief outings to get your haircut and a Starbucks or getting cash at the bank.  When they FINALLY got the vaccine out to the public, there was hope. Got my first one (Pfizer)  a couple of weeks prior to writing this post, and awaiting the 2nd one a week after Easter- ironic, ain't it, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ one day, and resurrecting a sense of normalcy a few days later!  

Saltgrass Steakhouse, y'all better save me a New York Strip, baked potato,  and a slice of that carrot cake, because when this shit blows over, it's PARTY TIME!!!